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Journal List 2024 3

Journal List 2024 3
Title : TechTalk: Benchmarking and cross-cultural studies in tourism by Prof. Metin Kozak
Author : Jeong Hyun Kim and Chulmo Koo
Keyword : TechTalk, Prof. Metin Kozak, Cross-cultural studies
Title : Special Issue on ‘Smart Tourism in Brazil: New Technologies, Applications, Knowledge management, and Tourists Experience’
Author : Luiz Mendes-Filho and Alexandre Augusto Biz
Keyword : Special issue, Technologies, Applications, Knowledge management, Tourists experience
Title : Smart Tourism Destination from a Systemic Perspective: A Brazilian Case Study
Author : Ralyson Soares and Luiz Mendes-Filho
Keyword : smart tourism destination; smart tourism; smart city; technology
Title : Digital Collaborative Network Architecture Model Supported by Knowledge Engineering in Heritage Sites
Author : M?rcio Cresc?ncio, Alexandre Augusto Biz, and Jos? Leomar Todesco
Keyword : tourism destination; digital collaborative network; knowledge engineering; world heritage
Title : Generational Perspectives on Smart Tourism: A Focus on Baby Boomers
Author : Karla Juliane dos Santos Camargo, T?rcio Pereira, and Pablo Fl?res Limberger
Keyword : baby boomers; perceived risk; perceived usefulness; intention to use; smart tourist destinations
Title : JST VOL 4 NO 1 MAR 2024
Author : Smart Tourism Research Center
Keyword : Journal of Smart Tourism